Jan 22Liked by Tudor Alexander

Hi Tudor,

Thanks for sharing that. Many similar themes in my life, as the world is just rigged that way. I luckily

hooked into the Aviation Business out of college, but it has been a rock and roll life all over the world.

I won't go into the details, but I've been to the fire empire and shook Satans hand too.

I think you should take your Revelations series and turn it into a book. It's pretty much written already.

I know books don't have much reward these days, but alot of people like myself still seek them out.

Keep up the good work.


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Thank you for your kind words John. Sounds like you could write a book as well with your life experiences. Glad you enjoyed the series, not too many are awake to the truth these days. God bless

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Jun 11Liked by Tudor Alexander

Thank you for such an honest account. I had many, many similar things happen too + similar worldly beliefs which had to go. It’s been a very intense period of true spiritual growth and education. X

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May 12Liked by Tudor Alexander

I am new here and just want to say thanks. I am constantly amazed at how, what and why God does certain things in His timing. What a blessing it has been to find you and those who are on this site.

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Hey friend, welcome. Happy to make your acquaintance. Enjoy the library as there are lots of great things to explore.

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Jan 22Liked by Tudor Alexander

Very candid, thank you. We should all do such an honest inventory and return to prayer. Election by grace alone is the only way the Truth holds together yet it deeply offends many. I am interested in the elusive nature of this truth and how so many will kick against it, almost angrily...or have many variations. Interestingly, almost no church can hold this doctrine, it appears in specific writers or preachers over time only very rarely. Yet the Bible is clear. Its a very private truth. It also takes courage to say so.

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Thank you for your kind words Laura. Yes the truth will always offend people, because election is about the sovereignty of God. Even in Jesus' day people hated election, like when He told the Pharisees their father was actually the devil.

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Jan 22Liked by Tudor Alexander

So, when people are super convinced that Christ died for "All" and people are making a decision (which I do not think is supported by scripture), is this the very "counterfeit spirit" or is it such a mystery that many fall into this error. I can't get away from Jesus' own words that of his sheep he has lost none. I do not think that is only about his immediate disciples. Also, it is terrifying to think our salvation is in our hands. We would all lose it.

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I've said this myself, that if we could lose our salvation -- we would. Yes, Jesus won't lose any sheep because He can't. He is God, and it is the Father's will that Christ lose nothing, meaning He will not lose anyone that comes to Him. But to come to Christ you must be drawn, granted and taught by the Father (John 6), that is why the Trinitarian view of the gospel refutes Arminianism and Synergism easily.

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Jan 23Liked by Tudor Alexander

I agree. It is also the only way to have compassion for all. We do not know who the Father will draw, therefore, cannot condemn. And as we become wiser, our own testimonies of being humbled and constantly learning is not so much about failing, but finding how much we are loved in a deeply personal way. Our lives are then an example but God saves on his own time. It is the only way of true compassion. And the only way to not be proud.

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Jun 15Liked by Tudor Alexander

A truly inspiring account of your journey . God is awesome. Thank you for sharing your life with us Tudor, you are a good man.

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In the famous words of Christ to the rich young ruler, nobody is good but God alone. But thank you for your kindness and I'm glad you enjoyed reading my story.

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Thank you for sharing your testimony. I'm curious to understand your personal experience with repentance and being born again. Was there a time when you were convicted of your own personal brokenness and inability to be ever good enough, where Jesus' payment to redeem you from the penalty of your own sin became your only hope?

I've just found that in my own life it wasn't until I knew I was utterly impotent to earn God's favor that true faith took root.

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There was definitely a few moments, and a practice of life is to hold the knowledge of the cross close to our heart so that when we succeed at anything we remain humble, and when we despair we remain hopeful.

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