The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
The Dance Of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
002: The Seven Transformations - The Art of Gentle Hustling

002: The Seven Transformations - The Art of Gentle Hustling

A spontaneous episode inspired by a conversation with one of my friends about the process, consistency and not giving up. Good piggy back episode on the last one regarding taking action to create the life we want to live - at the end of the day time is the ultimate determiner and regardless of how high your wins or how low your losses, none of them survive time's grasp. All that truly follows you is your process - your habits, your beliefs and attitudes, your skills. Therefore, look at life, your goals, your destinations through the lens of improving your process, that gentle hustling that is persistent yet permanently moving life forward. 

The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
The Dance Of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
Sharing biblical truth and spiritual encouragement, as well as information on how to stay healthy in these crazy times.