In the first chapters of the book of Revelation, John relates important words from Christ Himself regarding 7 churches of the time located in modern day Turkey. Yet as usual there is much more here than simply the physical. The churches each have distinct names, which relate to the various stages that the Church as a whole has gone through since the beginning. The postal route the churches were on is also significant, in that the order in which they occurred is also the same order in which these phases of the Church occurred in history. These and other fascinating details are evidence that the letters to the 7 churches were not concerning just the people of John's time, but rather a prophecy of how the church would change throughout time and until Christ's return. In today's episode we will examine this fascinating prophecy using scripture and history as our guide, and see what the implications are for the rest of John's visions concerning the end times. Stay connected at: To support my work, please visit: For resources mentioned visit:

The Dance Of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
Sharing biblical truth and spiritual encouragement, as well as information on how to stay healthy in these crazy times.
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