The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
The Dance Of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
015: The Seven Transformations - Discovering Your Life Purpose: Listening & The Creative Energy Piggy Bank

015: The Seven Transformations - Discovering Your Life Purpose: Listening & The Creative Energy Piggy Bank

Another episode in a series on Life Purpose and connecting to our own through honing our ability to listen to the Universe's constant messages. Life is full of amazing, silly and sometimes crazy signs that we are either on the right path or otherwise - the question is are we really paying attention to them. A secondary topic of the episode looks at a simple metaphor on how to view your daily actions and creative power in the form of a bank, and particularly how that bank is given limited, precious funds every day that should be utilized towards their highest good. 

The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
The Dance Of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
Sharing biblical truth and spiritual encouragement, as well as information on how to stay healthy in these crazy times.