Many Christians today believe that when the faithful die they immediately float up to heaven and live there with the angels and Christ. Movies, cartoons and stories reflect this tradition and famous bible events like Elijah being taken up by a flaming whirlwind are used as proof that people go to heaven. But what if all of these things are actually wrong about what happens when we die? Today we will see what the bible really has to say about heaven, OBE’s and ascension.
00:00 - Introduction
05:17 - Visions of Heaven: Revelation 6
35:16 - Visions of Heaven: 2 Corinthians 12
40:30 - The Thief on the Cross (Luke 23)
45:33 - The Third Heaven
54:00 - Did Elijah Go to Heaven?
1:10:54 - Did Enoch Go to Heaven?
1:35:27 - The Transfiguration
1:42:08 - The Return of Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4)
1:52:02 - Final Thoughts
THE AFTERLIFE #14: Heaven, OBEs, & Ascension