Statement of Faith
To listen to this statement of faith, click below:
“But this I confess to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our fathers, believing everything laid down by the Law and written in the Prophets, having a hope in God, which these men themselves accept, that there will be a resurrection of both the just and the unjust.”
Acts 24:14-15
Many have asked me what I believe and what drives my thinking, decisions and the content that I produce. The short answer is that I have earnestly prayed for discernment and do my best to base my beliefs on the evidence, from the bible and (when it matters) from history. With that in mind this is my statement of faith on the major doctrines of Christianity.
For detailed documentation defending these beliefs, please refer to my bible studies section or see the links below for each section.
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Christology — What I Believe About Jesus
The person of Jesus of Nazareth was a real person who lived and worked in the areas of Judea and Samaria. Jesus was born in 3 BC to the virgin, Mary, by a miraculous, supernatural work of the Holy Spirit and began His ministry in 27 AD, fulfilling the prophecy of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9 of the Messiah. Jesus lived a sinless life, performed supernatural miracles and was crucified in 31 AD, on the 6th day, and resurrected on the 1st day in fulfillment of the scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Jesus ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, serving as both King and Priest until His return to the Earth. Upon His return creation will be renewed, judgment will be dolled out to the wicked, believers will be resurrected to glory and eternity will be ushered in.
Jesus is fully God and fully man, the incarnate YHWH revealed in human form. Jesus was fully God while on Earth during His first advent, as is evident from His many claims of deity, from the instances of receiving worship both as a child and as an adult and from what the apostles wrote about Him. This means that His kenosis (or self-emptying, Philippians 2:7) was of status, not of divinity, as Jesus had to be both God and man in order for the atonement to function as a propitiation for mankind as well as vindication of God’s righteousness (see Romans 3:21-26).
Lastly, Jesus’ subordination in the gospels does reflect an eternal aspect of His nature but a temporary requirement for His human ministry. Jesus as the Son is equal with the Father in all aspects including aseity.
For my study series on the Trinity and Christology, go here.
Trinitarianism — What I Believe About the Trinity
There is one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which is the God revealed to Moses as YHWH and the God made flesh in Jesus Christ. This is the only God and Creator, the self-existent supreme being. This being is multi-personal, existing as one being simultaneously in three persons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
During the Old Testament God revealed Himself as multi-personal through the angel of YHWH, and with the advent of the Messiah we see The Son entering reality through the physical person of Jesus of Nazareth. While there is no separation between the Persons, the Incarnation is a distinct moment in time where the Son of YHWH entered reality in human form for the specific purpose of completing the ministry of atonement. When Jesus returns and creation is renewed — we will see a shift in the Godhead (1 Corinthians 15:27-28) where God (as Triune) will rule through the glorified body of Jesus Christ, something I refer to as Triune Monarchy.
I reject Unitarianism, Binitarianism, Modalism and Subordinationism as heretical. I also reject Monarchical Trinitarianism and believe it is borderline heretical. Furthermore, I reject the traditional understanding of “begotten” as making Jesus eternally generated or “spirated” from the Father. The notion of “begotten” is applied by the author of Hebrews as an appointment in Hebrews 5:5, thus it stands to reason “begotten” is not an ontological statement but rather one delineating the person of Jesus as the chosen vessel for YHWH to enter and exist in reality with His creations.
In other words, the term “begotten” does not deal with the nature of the eternal Son but rather of the Christ.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have always existed in perfection. The Son was never spirated, begotten or generated at any point in eternity past, and neither was the Spirit. All persons are equal, eternal and possess aseity (self-existence).
Lastly I believe in the Filioque, that both the Son and the Father send the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by several places in scripture. While scripture makes various economical distinctions within the Trinity, I believe the fundamental modus operandi of the Godhead is not one based on subordination or authority but rather the highest mutual love, joy and oneness of purpose between the Persons — in other words, it is based on cooperation not subordination.
For my study series on the Trinity and Christology, go here.
Soteriology — What I Believe About Salvation & The Gospel
Jesus reveals in John 3 that one must be born again to enter the kingdom of God, yet being born again is much like the wind — we neither know where it comes from nor where it is going. This means that we are not in control of the process nor can we invoke it just like we cannot invoke the wind.
In John 6, Jesus further reveals that no man can come to Him unless the Father draws, grants, teaches and gives him to Christ. This establishes a prerequisite for saving faith and that prerequisite is for God to do something in the sinner’s life first, much like how Christ attributes Peter’s realization to the Father opening his eyes (Matthew 16:17) or how those who believed the gospel were those who were appointed to believe (Acts 13:48).
Very importantly, Jesus also reveals that it is the Father’s will that He lose nobody who is given to Him, but must raise them up on the last day. Because not everyone is raised to glory, these simple yet profound statements from Christ establish the doctrine of election. Therefore I hold to a monergistic view of the gospel.
In Acts 4:26-28 the author writes that the cross of Christ was predestined, and from Revelation 13:8 we know Jesus was the “Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.” In Isaiah 46:8-11 YHWH says that He declares the end from the beginning, and the bible has over 1800+ prophecies of predetermined events, most of which have been fulfilled.
What all of these truths declare is that both the wicked and those who would believe in Christ were predestined. Throughout the bible God’s central aim is to reveal and uphold His glory, and that means that all things were predestined to reveal His glory — both the evil and the good. In Romans 8:28-30 we see another golden chain of redemption, and in Ephesians 1 and 2 these teachings are also very well established by Paul as he speaks of predestination and the Spirit we receive as being a guarantee from God of our inheritance.
I reject Arminianism and any form of synergistic salvation because they undermine the glory of God and the gospel as the Good News. If one can lose their salvation after being born again, then the entire efforts of the Triune Godhead on behalf of the sinner — past, present and future — are fruitless and God is incapable of keeping anyone saved who comes to Him. And if one can lose their salvation, then it is up to the sinner to maintain their salvation and not God. These attitudes rob God of glory as the omnipotent Redeemer and also rob the believer of peace and joy in their trusting of God’s plan for their lives.
I do not call myself a Calvinist because I do not follow Calvin. I follow Jesus Christ. However I believe the “5 Points” of Calvinism (TULIP) are biblically defensible and true regardless of how uncomfortable they may make us feel or how many unanswered questions may arise.
Regarding baptism, I believe that baptism is an outward show of an inward change that has already happened. The thief on the cross was not baptized, and when Jesus spoke of being “born of water and the Spirit” in John 3, He was referencing the new covenant announced in Ezekiel 36 — with water cleansing being a symbol of God regenerating the believer through the second birth. Peter confirms this in 1 Peter 3:21-22 when he says that water is meant to symbolize a renewal of the conscience through repentance.
Therefore, water baptism is not necessary for salvation, but can be a good way to confirm one’s change of heart publicly and take a powerful first step on the road of sanctification — a road that does not end until one receives their resurrected body at the return of Christ.
For my study series on Salvation, go here.
Eschatology — What I Believe About the End Times
I hold to a historicist view of the scriptures, meaning that I believe God provided us with bible prophecy so that any generation could consult the bible and discern where they were at on the timeline of the plan of redemption. This means that prophecy is meant to be interpreted using the lens of history and broad time periods. I reject futurism and preterism as Jesuit inventions designed to destroy Protestantism and take attention off of the Catholic Church, which is what the prophets Daniel and John warned us about.
As regards to the millennial kingdom, I hold to an amillennial position. However I reject the over-spiritualization of traditional amillennials. Jesus, the incarnate Son of YHWH, is King right now and is ruling until He returns to deliver judgment (Psalm 110), at which point YHWH as Triune will rule through the body of the Christ for eternity on Earth in a renewed creation.
As regards to the identity of the little horn (Daniel 7, 8) and the first beast from the sea (Revelation 13), I believe history clearly testifies against the papal institution, which is also the man of lawlessness mentioned by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2. The second beast which works signs and wonders and deceives the world into returning to the papacy is the United States, and the image of the beast is a representation of the papal religio-political system that ruled the Earth with an iron fist for 1260 years from 538 when Justinian elevated the bishop of Rome to the corrector of heresies to 1798 when the pope was arrested by Napoleon’s general.
In other words, the image of the beast is a worldwide religious nationalist federation, and it will begin in the United States thanks to lukewarm Protestantism, the influence of the Jesuits and of secret societies.
This will set the stage for the kings of the Earth to give their power to the woman riding the beast, Mystery Babylon, of Revelation 17, which is none other than the Catholic Church. In some sense Mystery Babylon is not just the Catholic Church, because she represents the mystery religion of the ages, but the bible tells us in Revelation 13:2 that Satan chose the Catholic Church as his vehicle for manifesting this mystery religion into the world and God has allowed him to be successful at it for a short while.
History reveals to us that most of the last 2,000 years for the Western world were a religious nationalist reality under the Beast, and that we will return to this system at the very end. Current events confirm this trajectory and are only happening faster and faster.
For edification on these important matters, check the resources below:
For my study series on the End Times, go here.
For my documentary on Why the Jews are Not God’s Chosen People, go here.
For my study series titled “The Great Delusion” go here.
For my regular Sunday law coverage, go here.
Cosmology — What I Believe About the Universe
In the first chapter of the book of Genesis we see many plainly written statements that contradict the modern narrative of cosmology. The sun, moon and stars were created after the Earth. The Earth has an enclosure of some kind (firmament). The birds and fish were created on the same day, and so were all the land animals. All of creation was finished in a total of 6 literal days, with man being created from the dust of the ground.
If we are to claim “sola scriptura” then we must take the bible as it is and not attempt to make excuses or do violence to the meaning by imposing our modern views on things written long ago. Many think these things are myths or allegories, or that the people of the past were primitive and just trying to explain what they saw. Yet those who have studied the history of cosmology know that there is more to the story, and if Moses is wrong about these things then it means none of the bible can be trusted.
I do not make claims as to the position of the sun and moon, nor even the shape of the system we live in as a whole. I do make claims that the Earth is a plane and in an enclosed cosmology of some kind. This is easily proven by the refutation of gravity, which underpins the entire heliocentric model, the behavior and observation of the horizon as being flat regardless of altitude, the behavior of water always finding its level and the incompatibility of the heliocentric model with the teachings of the gospel.
There is zero empirical evidence for heliocentrism, and in fact all the evidence clearly points to the truth of the bible — as well as a sinister conspiracy to hide that truth by the powers that be.
We must not forget the influence of the Catholic Church and its Jesuits on the development of cosmological thinking. Over the last 500 years the top astronomers in history have all been Catholic agents. Darwin, who authored the theory of evolution, was very likely a Freemason just like his grandfather. The Big Bang was created by a Jesuit, and NASA alone has been exposed for their lies, like the moon landing or the ISS, countless times by countless people.
With all that said I believe the full truth is more profound than we could ever imagine. The current “Flat Earth Movement” has many earmarks of a psy-op that is classic of the dialectical dance seen in other areas, so I do not consider myself a “Flat Earther” or part of this movement. There are also many things incorrect about the “Flat Earth” circle model. I uphold what the bible says, which is that we live in an enclosed cosmology with local light sources, a flat plane for the Earth and God very nearby in heaven above. As to how this system works in its entirety, it is a mystery and I’m fine with that until the return of Christ.
For my series on Cosmology, go here.
Thanatology — What I Believe About Death & the Afterlife
The authors of the bible did not believe in a separate, immortal soul that persists after death. Rather, they believed in a union of the spiritual (God’s breath) and the physical, which is why man is called a living soul in Genesis 2:7.
I uphold the promise of the resurrection as the completion of redemption and I reject eternal conscious torment. Hell is a place of future punishment, not an ongoing place of eternal torture. God sustains all living beings, both wicked and faithful, and grants eternal existence only to those who place their faith in Christ. The teaching of eternal conscious torment is used by the enemy to discredit the gospel as a monenergistic work of God (through predestination of eternal torment) and it is also used by the enemy to deceive people into universalism.
The teaching of a separate, immortal soul is also intimately tied to Gnosticism, New Age, pagan religion, the occult and synergistic salvation. It justifies near death experiences, out of body experiences, reincarnation, past life regression, visions of heaven and many other deceptions. It must be rejected because it corrodes one’s focus on the power of God in the resurrection, and also because it opens the door for drifting into serious error or even apostasy.
For my study series on the Afterlife, go here.
Ecclesiology — What I Believe About the Church
I believe Jesus came to leave a new way of being, not an institution. Therefore I will always reject denominationalism as a product of the harlot and maintain a non-denominational position. I do not consider myself a Protestant in the normal sense of the word, but I do protest the teachings of the Catholic Church.
It is important to understand that the modern church model is a result of Catholicism, not a result of the bible. Institutionalization was never the goal of the church, as it was very decentralized in the beginning and more about fellowship and communal sharing. Today Protestant denominations are very institutionalized, which is why they will be integrated easily. When the coming religio-political system will demand worship, these institutions will be the first to comply and become pits of hell for their members.
Another issue is that the greater the church, the more it is a slave to the world. A megachurch, for example, has an enormous rent bill to pay — meaning they have to cover costs and inevitably become a business. This is the issue with all churches regardless of denomination, and when you have to pay enormous bills it will inevitably influence your decisions. This leads to bloated administrations, lukewarm faith, ideological compromises and playing the game of life.
Because we are at the end of time, culture has largely devoured modern churches. Today’s churches, especially if they are very large, are influenced by things like The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren, which is basically personal growth fused with evangelicalism to produce a worldly, sound-byte oriented, catchy, trendy version of Christianity. Sermons are self-improvement seminars and it's all about maximum impact (numbers) rather than pursuing maximum truth.
This is why megachurches or denominations are not the answer. If you are going to go to a church, make it a point to help people out of deception. Sometimes people want fellowship so badly that they're willing to compromise truth and substance, which shouldn't be the case — unless again you want to influence those people for the good with the awareness God has given you.
It is true that the more we learn the harder it is to find fellowship, and while fellowship is an important part of being a Christian — we also have technology that allows us to communicate with other Christians in ways people never did before through online meetings, video calls and social platforms. These are not totally equal substitutes for meeting in person, but Jesus reminds us that where two or more are gathered, there He is, (Matthew 18:20) and that is also important to remember.
In the end we have to distinguish between “the Church” and “church.” The Church was created by Christ and the apostles to serve the believer — not the believer to serve the church, which is the case today with all denominations. And because the bible teaches election, what this means is that the true Church is comprised of those who have been regenerated by God and granted the ability to believe. We do not know who those people are, but they are from every tribe and tongue as the bible says.
One does not need to be part of a particular church to be saved, nor does one need perfect theology to be saved. One needs to be regenerated to be saved, and regeneration is under the discretion of God and God’s timing and it is the only way to enter the Church. Although many churches claim they are the “true” Church, the simplest test is apostasy. Jesus cannot lose anyone whom the Father has given to Him (John 6), therefore any church claiming to be the true Church must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt they have suffered no apostasy.
This of course is impossible, which means that no denomination is the true Church because denominationalism is a counterfeit product of the mother of harlots which tries to impersonate the bride of Christ.
When looking at any denomination, it is easy to see where the imbalances occur and why denominationalism takes one off of the narrow road. Seventh Day Adventists are largely correct about eschatology, yet they embrace extra-biblical revelation (Ellen White) and hold to a synergistic view of salvation, which leads them into great error with their teaching of the Investigative Judgment. Although they uphold the Sabbath, they align with the Talmud in keeping it from evening to evening. Reformed churches teach many wonderful things about grace and salvation, yet they are deceived on the Sabbath, eschatology and the afterlife — all points of weakness that will have ecumenical consequences as we approach the mark of the beast.
We must remember that the trajectory of history before the return of Christ is downward, not upward. False teachings, false doctrines, great deception and a worldwide political-religious system will come to power and enforce worship. In light of these things it is no wonder that walking the narrow road requires great discernment, distinction and separation from the world and its ways regardless of how much conflict that puts one in with friends, family and fellow Christians.
Yet our fellowship with Christ gives us hope as believers in an age of increasing polarization and separation. Fellowship is an important part of the Christian walk, but I do not believe one must be part of a particular church or institution, nor is it required to force fellowship or group participation for the sake of it. We ultimately have fellowship with God and this is what matters most, and God will bring or take away people into our lives at His discretion and according to His plan.
Our goal in the meantime is to honor the Great Commission, model Christ to others and expose the works of darkness.
The Sabbath
In the very beginning of the bible we see God declare one special day for the rest of time, and this is the Sabbath day. In the New Testament, Jesus confirms the Sabbath was made for man (Mark 2:27). The first experience mankind was given was resting in paradise with their Creator, a beautiful picture of the completion of the plan of redemption that was to serve as a placeholder until the fullness of time.
The meaning of the Sabbath, however, was not made full until the arrival of Christ.
Just as YHWH saved the Israelites from slavery, so did Jesus save mankind from the slavery of sin and death. Just as YHWH created the heavens and the Earth and rested on the 7th day, so too did Jesus complete the plan of salvation with His atonement and rested in the tomb on the 7th day. There is also great evidence to suggest that Jesus will return on a Sabbath, and that the mark of the beast at the end of time will bring the Sabbath in view as the final test through a legislated, counterfeit day of rest (Sunday).
These all point to the importance of understanding the truth about the Sabbath, something that Christians today largely believe has been done away with or has become over-spiritualized. In fact the Sabbath was expected, practiced and commanded before Sinai, with one example being the Sabbath rest commanded alongside the manna in the wilderness (Exodus 16). The Sabbath is a moral command, not something part of the ceremonial system, and it has found its fullest meaning in Christ. We do not rest to be saved, but rather we rest because we are saved.
As far as how the Sabbath is reckoned, the bible teaches that the day begins with the greater light — the sun — not the lesser light, the moon. That is, the Sabbath is reckoned by the morning. Most cite Genesis 1 as evidence of an evening reckoning, but this is false. Genesis 1 is a chronology, and when read chronologically it is clear that God was creating during the beginning of the day (morning), then evening came, and then morning arrived of the next day which also ended the previous day.
Another deception in the Sabbath keeping community is the lunar Sabbath. I go into great detail in my Sabbath series on why this practice is not only wrong, but found nowhere in the bible or even historically. Reliable records from historians like Josephus and others indicate the Jews always held their Sabbath on a regular interval of 7 days, which coincided with the Roman day of Saturday. This is impossible using a lunar reckoning because lunar reckonings are irregular. It is also impossible because every instance of the Sabbath being commanded is based on a ratio of 6 days of work to 1 day of rest, not the moon or any other reckoning.
An important note on holidays, both modern and old. I do not keep the Old Testament feasts nor do I believe they are to be kept. The book of the ceremonial law was kept outside of the ark of the covenant, whereas the commandments were place inside the ark. God’s moral code is unchanging, and if He made a distinction between these two things then we should not seek to combine them as modern “Torah keeping” ministries do, since by and large these groups always lead people into legalism.
There is also great confusion about the calendar of the Hebrews, which is very different than the one used today. Even the modern “Hebrew calendar” is not the true calendar, and this is because Talmudic Judaism uses the moon rather than the position of the sun in the constellations as their basis, which is what the original Hebrews used.
Nevertheless, the point is that God has done away with these holidays and even determining their actual, biblical occurrence is a challenge. With that in mind I also do not celebrate modern holidays, like Christmas or Easter. If I am invited by friends or family to such celebrations I will usually go, and I do not condemn anyone who chooses to celebrate these things out of faith, but I have learned too much about the pagan influences of these holidays and, because they often manifest in worldly or religious ways instead of spiritual ways, it is usually something to be avoided.
I advise people to learn the truth about their origins and to divorce themselves from these things because they are only worldly threads that Mystery Babylon will use to integrate everyone to herself.
What is important is that the Sabbath being fulfilled in Christ is our ultimate holiday. It reminds us of the Messiah, of salvation and of our ultimate redemption at His return. It was a gift to man and it is something we can celebrate every week without any special calculations or rituals or traditions.
For my study series on the Sabbath, go here.
Christian Nationalism, NAR & The Charismatic Movement
In the current political climate it is important to acknowledge the role of the true Church in light of things such as the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation), Christian nationalism, the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements and the blurring of the lines between material worldly outcomes with the gospel.
An important statement to make in the very beginning is that there is nothing Christian about “Christian nationalism.” In fact I am calling it “Religious Nationalism” because this is exactly what it is, a religious version of nationalism. Because the mystery religion is ecumenical in nature, this definition includes other religions as well. The bible warns of the religious spirit, with the perfect example being those who crucified Christ, and today that religious spirit has fully infiltrated conservative politics and steering it towards a One World Order.
With that in mind, I reject the “Seven Mountain Mandate” as antichrist and believe Christians have little to no role in government or politics. I believe we are to spread the gospel, do good works, expose the works of darkness and live holy (set apart) lives. We are to be in the world not of it, regardless of our resources and civil duties. The goals of the gospel should never be fused to the goals of the state or patriotism, and in fact the bible warns that this exact fusion will happen at the end of the age by the antichrist power — just as it was for most of human history in the last 2,000 years.
In sharp contrast to these biblical warnings, modern movements have fused Christianity with worldly pursuits through false doctrines like word of faith, prosperity teaching, “kingdom building,” the purpose driven church and many other similar deceptions. I reject the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements because they manifest in legalistic burdens for believers, and they have a sordid history that is tied to the Beast and also to ancient pagan practices, such as Kundalini meditation — which when compared side by side, show very little difference from one another.
The Charismatic and Pentecostal movements are also fundamentally based on misinterpretation of key passages, such as Acts 2:17. Adherents of these beliefs misappropriate scripture out of its context to create an entire theological paradigm. I believe God can still give people dreams or visions and can still heal people miraculously. I believe demons are real and people can be delivered from demons, however a true believer can never be oppressed or inhabited or possessed by demons, and healings and visions must be evaluated carefully before ascribing the working of God, because the bible warns us of many false signs and wonders at the end of the age.
It is also clear from history that the unique events of the New Testament Apostolic era were designed to begin the Church, and not intended for the entirety of the Church. That is, people being able to raise others from the dead was unique to the Apostles and nobody after them. Speaking in tongues, and prophecy also, were done away with by the 1st century AD, because the canon was complete with the book of Revelation. Therefore I reject the modern notion of speaking in tongues, of “New Apostles” or Prophets. We do not need prophets after the incarnate Word of God has revealed Himself and given us pure wisdom. I also heavily scrutinize anyone claiming they heard from God or received a dream or a vision, as we already have the full and sufficient revelation we need in the Scriptures. While it is not impossible to hear from God through a vision, all things must be tested extensively.
In the end, religion and the gospel are two very different things, and that is why I believe Religious Nationalism describes this phenomenon much more accurately. It has nothing to do with the gospel but rather religion, and history testifies against the dangers of religion from the Pharisees through the Crusades and Inquisition, to all the holy wars of the last 2,000 years, to the modern day movements and conflicts that we see. Religion is death, the gospel is life.
For my documentary titled, “Should Christians Be Involved in Politics”, go here.
The Dance of Life
”For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.”
1 Corinthians 1:26-29
Many have asked me why I named my podcast, “The Dance of Life.” A brief bit of context is as follows. For 15 years, I competed professionally in ballroom dancing and taught students of all ages and skill levels. I traveled the United States, spent lots of money and worked my body from the morning to midnight teaching and practicing.
Eventually things shifted and I started a podcast to find more meaning out of what I was doing, because God had shown me great things using my artform. I wanted to discuss spiritual topics and I wanted to share my life lessons as a competitive athlete with others because I believed they were unique and valuable. Because I was not a born again Christian at the time, I focused on personal growth, entrepreneurship and New Age spirituality.
Nevertheless, in January of 2018, The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander was born.
When things shifted in my life and I came to Christ in 2021, a big change was in order. I wanted to keep the same name, because the more I studied the bible and learned things of true value — the more I realized just how well God had prepared me for what I am doing today. I realized that the name I had picked, “The Dance of Life,” was actually a profound revelation of how to walk the narrow road and use discernment.
I believe that all of creation reveals God’s glory, and what that means is that we can extract great wisdom and spiritual principles by simply observing the physical world and how it works. In that regard, there are many ways that dancing reveals the glory of God and also offers wisdom and perspective. I have written and recorded several pieces discussing our relationship with God as pictured in the lead-follow relationship of dancing, like Trust in God is the Dance of Life, The Dance of Life and The Futility of Worldly Desire.
To do a deeper dive on “The Dance of Life” and what it means, you can check out this dedicated page.
Yet there is also the understanding that all things are a dance between two opposites. I don’t mean anything occult here, but rather something true and observable that anyone can relate to. Being a good salesman is a dance between being aggressive and listening. Being a good entrepreneur is a dance between being a visionary and being detail oriented. Walking the narrow road of the gospel is a dance between avoiding legalism and avoiding permissiveness (hyper grace).
All things work this way because life is dualistic and because God, in His infinite genius, choreographed the Dance of Life in all things to reveal His glory. Life exists in between the extremes, because life and the narrow road are intertwined. How this applies to the Christian walk and discernment is simple. A great quote I often like to use on discernment comes from a notable pastor, Charles Spurgeon, who once said:
“Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong, it is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”
Today we live in a world full of lies and theological imbalances. The bible says to not swerve to the right nor to the left over 16 times, and I believe this is for a reason. The devil uses duality to trap and distract people away from the truth, and because we are at the end these dualities are maximized. If Satan cannot get you with legalism, he will get you with progressive Christianity. If he can’t get you with wokeism, he will get you with Religious Nationalism. If he can’t play to your desires, he will play to your fears instead.
On every Christian topic you will find some truth being spoken of in churches or online, but most of the time it is tainted with an imbalance in one direction or another. Because I made a career out of studying balance (and correcting imbalances), I realize today that God was using the foolishness of my vain pursuits in dancing to give me the best possible theological training — and to give me an eye for discerning what is true from what is false by honing my sensitivity for when something or someone is going in an off balance direction.
When I used to train people to move gracefully, my philosophy in life was “when alignment is present, movement is natural.” Too often people focus on results, or the external things, when what matters most is alignment. If you have good posture it is easy to dance, and in the world of spiritual matters it works the same way. We must get into the practice of aligning ourselves properly if we want to “dance our way through life” and avoid the many schemes of the devil.
As a professional dancer I honed my sensitivity for when I would fall off-balance. This sensitivity helped me be aware of the difference between “right” and “almost right” in the physical world. Today I apply this valuable life experience to my work, and helping others discern important truths by building a case for their beliefs, examining the evidence and honing their discernment in the spiritual world.
For this reason I also love using cute little characters, like the fennec fox, as a way to point to the necessity of developing “theological sensitivity.” The fennec fox is adorable, but God created it with massive ears for a reason: it can hear everything around it, even the most subtle things. The bible warns us early on in Genesis 3 that the snake is the most subtle creature God has ever made, so we must grow our spiritual ears like that little fox if we want to avoid being devoured.
Without sensitivity it is impossible to have good alignment, and without good alignment error is inevitable.
Today my goal with my work is to help people walk the narrow road and wake up to the truth in its full glory. Of course “the” truth is Christ, as He says in John 14:6, but all things related to Christ (as discussed in this statement of faith) require dancing between many theological imbalances, traditions and teachings of men to be fully discerned and appreciated. I do not claim to have perfect theology, nor do I believe anyone does, but it is my goal to walk the narrow road and avoid imbalances in thinking and belief as much as possible — and I delight in sharing that mindset with others.
That is why I call my podcast, “The Dance of Life.” Some call it “walking with the Lord” whereas I prefer to think of it as simply dancing.